Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hopefully the last Doctors appointment for a while

Well we finished our marathon of doctors appointments today. Hopefully Finnian will behave himself and we can avoid doctors for at least 2-3 weeks.Well wishful thinking anyway. So we went back to see his neuro to touch base on what had been going on with all the appointments. Well his seizures have been running on a kinda normal schedule of little ones and big ones. The one thing everyone questions is his drop in O2 and his high and low heart rates. Well the doctor is now thinking that may be he is having seizures from deep in his brain that is affection his heart rate and O2 function. The bummer about these is they don't show up on an EEG as they never seem to make it to the brain surface where the EEG electrodes would pick them up. We cannot relate them to medications as we were not monitering him 24/7. Now we are but we cannot wean him off meds just to find out if its a medication that is doing it. We used to only moniter him with the pulse ox during a bad seizure.
We go back to the neuro 2 weeks after we get the VNS put in so they can turn it on. Hopefully we don't have any emergencies until then.

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