Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What a day we had yesterday

We always try to get as much out of our day when we go to the hospital for an appointment. So yesterday we did 2 appointments and boy one of them was a rough one. Our first one was with the "brace guy". We usually see John but he wasn't in so we saw Walter instead.Not for nothing we love these guys. They put up with so much crap especially from my son. Do you know we had to leave Finnian had worked himself in to such a state he was like a child possessed. We also had a very important appointment with the Movement Disorder doc. So I asked if we could come back and hopefully he would be in a better mood once he calmed down.
Off to the movement doc we went. You know we are so used to telling our history of events we can nearly answer the question before they ask it. I had a disc of all the "things" we had caught on tape at home. So the doc that had taken the history went off and said she would be back with the Doctor. It seemed like a long time we were sitting in the room but thankfully we were able to lay Finnian down and he had a little snooze while we waited. When they came back in they had reviewed his last MRI and also looked at our disc. He said that Finnian does have a movement disorder as long with everything else. It must be significant enough he even discussed putting him on a medication for it. He agrees with me that the "shout" seizures are seizures but he said that they are coming from deep in the brain and he would like to see some of his EEG's and he would talk to our Doctor. So we find out on the 4th of August if we are going to start this new medicine.
So back to the brace guys we went. Wouldn't you know it he was fine at first and then he became like a child possessed again. I even told his nurse to watch out he looked like he was going to bite her. Next thing she felt him trying to nip her. You know it took 2 of us to hold him down and 2 men to make the cast molds of his legs. You would never think that our noodle was strong but boy you could see when he contracts his tummy muscles he has a really nice 4 pack there. Another thing his eyes were so focused they usually just wander and drift but not when he was in a fit of temper. But we got them done so they should be ready in about 2 weeks so he will be back in the stander and probably pitching a fit but you know its for his own good we don't need for his hips to pop back out.
You know we have dotcors basically scratch their heads and they don't know why he can do some of the things he does. But to see him pitch a fit of temper like he did it just goes to show that there is more connections going on in his head. He was like any child reacting to something he didn't want to do. I told them I would bring ear plugs for them when we go back for the fitting when the braces come in.

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