Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Improvments and a boo boo

Since our Finnian had his tonsils removed and new ear tubes put in there has been a change in him. For the good I might add. He is interacting more, trying to talk, more sounds coming out of his mouth, propping himself up on his elbow (he has not done that in so long), being able to tolerate sitting up with minimal head drop and the list goes on. There is one thing since his surgery he is not puking like he normally would with the hot tempatures and we have had HOT temps here in NYC, up to 102. Normally when the weather hits 90 he would be like a wet noodle, puking and sleeping even with the AC going at full blast. Since the surgery we have been out with a wet bandana tied around his head, nice cool water going via feed pump and he has been fine. This new Finnian we all like.
On Friday we had a little accident with his g-tube button. It came out with the balloon still inflated. Well I should say it had help. We had been out and when we came back in he is telling me by hitting his diaper that he is wet. I told him just a minute I am getting your meds and some food and then we will change your nappy and put you in your bed. Well he had a fit so I just took him out of his buggy and brought him in to the room with his extension connected I ddin't even put the side of his bed down just popped him in and the next thing I see his g-tube button come flying out. I just grabbed some gauze and covered it and changed his nappy do you know he stopped crying. It was like he never felt his button come out. I had a spare button and even though it wasn't the right size I put it in. I just had to fill the balloon to the max. Called the nurse and asked if she could order me a new button to have on hand. I think its a waste of time and a waste of Insurance money to go to the ER for them to put an new button in when I can do it all on my own. The nurse wanted to know if he was bleeding which he wasn't because if he was she wanted me to bring him straight down to her so she could check him out. She said she would call in an order for another button but guess what I got today a big box with 1 extension in it you know I will be calling them tomorrow asking where is the button kit.
Another note we are trying to get Finnian to let us know when he wants to pee since he has such issues ( screaming fits) when he wets his nappy. This evening he started to indacate wet nappy I checked him and he was dry. So I asked him "you want to go pee pee?" and I got a yes answer. So he went and I changed him right away and he was very happy. Yes I was very proud of him may be we might be able to train him who knows but I do like this new Finnian

1 comment:

Debbie said...

praise God for all the positive changes! That is awesome!

Hudson once kicked out his button as I was feeding him and the balloon was inflated...I was worried he stretched the skin and the button wouldn't fit right but apparently the skin closes up pretty quickly around the button.

Hope the good streak so deserve it!!!!

Hugs my friend...