Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunday and Monday

On Sunday we went up to my sisters house there was a 4 H fair at the Veterans Memorial grounds. It wasn't huge but the kids had a good time looking at the animals and of course the cotton candy. I think we are all suckers for that one. Took some pictures but they are still in my camera. We left early as there was what looked like a huge storm coming but we only got some rain. It was a little different story in the Bronx it looked like a tornado came through there were trees down everywhere and everyone said how it was bright out one minute and the next like darkness. I was happy were weren't home when that happened.
This morning I took the kids to register for the swimming lessons and stood for 4 hours only to be told that it was closed all the classes were full. Well thats what happens when you go for the free things. THe kids didn't care as long as I take them to the pool during the week. Its free, no membership required, no fees its just a public pool. A clean one at that.
Tomorrow I go to the doctor to be checked out as they are a little worried about my cholesteral the good stuff is very low and the total is good they just want to check me out. What fun that is going to be. I aslo have to go back to the blood doc as my red cell are climbing again this time I will have to get the total iron levels checked.
Oh well always something.

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