Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Well our Finnian has been projectile vomiting off and on since the end of May. We have always been able to justify as to why its been happening. Fluid in ears in people who are mobile they can walk like if they are drunk but in a child like Finny who is non ambulatory it can in a sense make them feel like they are sea sick and it can cause them to hurl. Then add antibotics on to a queasy tummy and they can hurl. They we would have a few days when he was better no hurling but then add Banzel on to his meds on top of ear infections and antibotics and of course he would hurl. But then when better again no ear infections why is he still hurling? Figured his tummy must be still upset so increased the Prevacid reduced the flow rate on feding pump some improvment but still could hurl. Alittle afraid as he did it a few times in his sleep so worried about aspiration. Everytime contents was sour so figured it was that I was heating his formula up a little too much for this hot weather so we started to give it to him heated at a lower tempature. Some improvment but could still hurl. Finally figured out may be its from the Banzel so called the neuro's office and told them. Of course I got yelled at for not letting them know sooner but hey I could justify as to why he was hurling ears, antibotics and formula going sour so why would I think other wise it always happens. So we are reducing the Banzel down and tonight was the first lower dose. But guess what? Yup he had a bad seizure three shouts, went white and all stiff. Oh I was mad and scared ran and got his diastat, pulse ox and hooked him up and gave him the diastat all at the same time. Well his O2 was only 74 and his heart rate was 187 so out comes the oxygen it took an hour before his O2 was staying above 90% and that was giving him 2 liters of O2. He is now stable and off the O2.
I don't know he is totally dependant on his meds but yet he is still having these bad seizures. The whole idea of putting him on Banzel was in hopes of getting him off one of his other meds and hopefully decreasing another, But it doesn't look like that is it the Banzel that is making him hurl or is it seizures form being on so much crap. Oh I don't know but I do know SEIZURES SUCK.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Sorry to hear you're having such trouble with the little guy's seizures. I know how scary those can be.

Connor's reflux has been acting up too-- probably because of the heat. The seizure med he's on (Keppra) seems to have pretty much no side effects for him, so we're lucky in that respect.

Hope the little guy is doing better soon.
