Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well today started out with Finnian sleeping late which is not normal for him. Then our medication that gets shipped to the house every month was late its supposed to be delivered by 10 am and didn't arrive until 10:40 am. Which happened to be a good thing as our Finnian was doing alot of chewing and his eyes were rolling around so we knew he was having seizures and then he tossed his feed everywhere.The whole room smelled like Micky D's french fries. At first everyone thought the days plans were going to be cancelled but I said no we would go ahead so we got him all cleaned up and off to the pool we all went. There was a fine gaggle of us, well there was the 4 of us and Finnian's nurse Bonnie and her 3 granddaughters.
We got to the pool and Bonnie took Finnian and the youngest granddaughter to the kiddie pool and I had my 2 and the other 2 granddaughters in the big pool. After a little while Bonnie and the 2 young ones joined us. Finnian had a good time I had him in the pool and he liked bobbing around. He has not been in a pool in over 3 years as the last time he had terrible seizures but he is now on different meds so I figured to try it again. So far so good no seizures.
Everyone was tired by the time we got home. Poor Bonnie we have walked the legs off of her the last few days. But she was the one to say "Can we go to the pool again tomorrow?" So I guess everyone enjoyed themselves.

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