Thursday, September 23, 2010

The purge

I looked in the coat closet today and I was amazed at how many jackets, fleeces, windbreakers etc was hanging in there. So I did a huge clearing but it didn't stop there. Next I tackled Maura's closet. I made her try on everything and what didn't fit went in to a bag. The girl is left with very few long pants as most of what she had last year wouldn't even come up over her behind. She has grown a good bit this year and her weight is that of a normal child for her age. Next I went to Finnian's closet and took out all the size 4's and checked all of his pants to see what is short on him. But the time I was done for the day I have 4 bags of clothes to give to Big Brother/Big Sister. I am not finished yet I still have my closet to go through.
I have gotten to a point where less is more but when you have a child that requires so much for a normal life its hard. I have 8 canisters of oxygen tucked in to a closet. I have tricked out part of another closet just to hold some of his supplies. I have put thoes plastic bin drawers under his bed just to hold his nappies, wipes and bed pads. It seems that every square inch of space has some sort of storage put in to it.
I get told I need a bigger place yeah I know but what I really would love is a bigger bathroom or one that is more favourable for someone with disabilites. I guess I can dream.

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