Two years ago our Finnian gave us a wake up call on how quickly our special children can go form being good to basically knocking on Heavens door. The morning was a rainy one and he was a bit jumpy and not himself. When his nurse came in I told her that I had called the bus and school that told them that he would not be a school as he was sick. Boy we didn't know how sick he was.
Bonnie went to change him and when she pulled the tabs to open his diaper Finnian nearly jumped out of his skin and then went smack into mad seizures. We gave him his rescue medication but it didn't work so we just grabbed him up and rushed him to the hospital. In the ER they kept pushing meds to stop his seizures then next thing his breathing is funny and they rush him to the xray. His right lung had paritally collapsed. Next thing I know they are bringing him to ICU hooking him up to EEG and putting a tube down his neck to help him breath.
scare he gave us was when he dislodged his
breathing while under sedation. I felt bad for the nurse one minute he is fine and the next all the alarmes are going off and his O2 is dropping. I walked in when they were bagging him and waiting for the xray to come. Xray got taken and you could see that the tube was dislodged.They put in a new tube and the next thing they were watching his mouth there he was pushing his tounge against the tube. We were lucky that he was able to pull out of it.
So today was a wet rainy yucky day like that of 2 years ago and all kind of emotions run through your mind over that horrible mind blowing day. But you know you cannot be hung up on what would have , could have, should have been of the day but to be thankfull that Here he is 2 years later and he has not been sick like that since then. In some ways it was an eye opener to see that as quick as you can snap your fingers he can go from cruising at 60 to going out of control at 140 just that quick. You also get to see how precious life really is and that Finnina needs to live his life the fullest ability that he can with help from me his Mammy, his Daddy, his brother and sister, family friends, doctors etc.