Monday, March 30, 2009


Well today started off good all the kids off to school. Got 7 loads of laundry done but I still have to fold some. Went and got the two from school and when we got back Finnian was home with Bonnie. The usual "were you a good boy today?" the answer no. He was very clingy to Bonnie at school and didn't want to do PT. Now our boy might not like speech but he usually is good with PT.Because he likes his PT lady. Oh yes our Finnian is a ladies man.
When he got home he had to be suctioned and put on the nebulizer all due to congestion. He has been fine since.Sunday he had to be suctioned and put on the nebulizer too. Watch he goes to the pulmo doc on Thursday and he will be fine. It nevers fails. I just don't want what happened to him in September to happen again so any little cold or cough I keep a better eye on it. At the same time I hate to have to give him more meds he is on enough with out more to it.
Lets see what tomorrow will be like.

1 comment:

jocalyn said...

Thanks for your message! I probably will need the info for the Vigabitrin. Do they just ship it to your home? Has it helped with the Infantile Spasms? This seizure stuff is soooo frustrating!