Saturday, March 14, 2009

Now we wait.

Well they kept our Finnian in an extra night so we came home on Thursday. His seizures are much the same so there is no change in his medications which is always good. Now his spinal tap went very well even the doctor was very impressed. he just lay and smiled through the whole thing. They took 16mls of fluid which sounds like alot but is really not. Some of the fluid is being checked for a metabolic disorder they are leaning to an amino acid defunk. They are also doing other tests which I cannot remember. They also did an arterial blood draw which will also be tested for many things. The Mayo Clinic will test the spinal fluid for the presence of the ALT enzyme. The only thing is they don't have anything to compare it to as it is not something they need to look for in the spinal fluid. Fingers crossed the enzyme is there in any amount would be a good outcome. They also froze some of his spinal fluid so just incase in 6 mths a new test comes about they can test our Finnian for it and not have to do another tap.
So now we have to wait for about 4-6 weeks for results and hopefully we will get answers.
Having a name won't change our Finnian because our Finnian will always be our Finnian.
So now we wait.

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