Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our Blog

I started this blog to keep the family updated about our Finnian but at the same time it was an outlet for my feelings. Sometimes you just cannot talk about what you are feeling but at the same time you could sit and write a book if there was time to put pen to paper. This is an outlet. Through this blog and many sites I have come in contact with some amazing parents and children. Its comforting to find someone like you out there someone else on a journey. But the hardest part is when you find out that the child got their Angel Wings. This happened today when I found out that Jordan got her wings. I felt like my heart got ripped out of my chest. To the Rowe Family my heart goes out to you.
I never thought that my ramblings would help others. Today I got an email from a father thanking me for my ramblings. Gary you gave me hope today when you shared your journey. Gary came from Ireland with his Katie to get her the treatment and care she needs. They are in Chicago at Childrens Memorial. You can look under Finnian's Friends and read about Katie's journey.

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