Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Will he become dependent on it?

You know the biggest thing is you always wonder if by using something all the time is that you will be come dependent on it. Well we are at the place now with Finnian he seems to need to be on the oxygen more and more. I called the medical supply company to see if we could get a humidifier hooked up to his concentrator as his poor nose is so dry. They told me all I need is a script and it will be taken care of. I call the pulmo's office and the social worked called back and said she would take care of it so now we just have to wait and see when we will get it. Finnian's need for oxygen is not because of a lung issue but a brain issue. I know its hard to believe but your brain controls all of your bodies basic needs. So Finnian is having some problems in the area that controls his oxygen levels hence the need to give extra oxygen.
Another example of a bodies dependency is Finnian seems to need Klonopin. Now that was a drug I didn't want to use because of long term dependency. But we was put on it to get him over the hump of coming off another drug and it did seem to help his seizures. But now nearly 4 years later his body needs the drug and it doesn't seem to do a lot for his seizures. To prevent withdrawal symptoms which could cause a whole load of seizures we have left him on it. We had tried to increase the dose to help the seizures but it was causing side effects so we pulled back on it. He is on what they like to maintenance. We can use an extra dose of Klonopin when his seizures are acting up but the effect is short lived but usually stops the seizures.
So what is your crutch? Mine is coffee

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