Monday, December 13, 2010

What will Santa bring?

You know its the time of year when the kids write their letters to Santa. I have one and she wanted to know if she could send another letter because she thought of some thing else she really wants. If we let Maura have her way she would end up living in a toy shop.
At the same time at least Eoghan and Maura can tell you what they want but what will Finnian get from Santa? He cannot tell us and even though he is nearly 6 years old its hard getting toys as he has nearly every baby toy on the market. He loves anything he can chew on but you know there are only so many teethers toys one child can use. A trike would be great but at $800 its not the number one thing I will put on his list. Special needs comes with special prices.
So if anyone has any ideas ......... let me know.

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