Friday, December 12, 2008

Dear Finnian

My sweet little boy, 4 years ago on Dec. 9th 2004 we were given shocking news. The news we were given was that God had chosen a different path in life for you to follow.He had made you special in a different way.
I was at the doctor's office on my own and I knew something wasn't right, they kept looking at your small sweet head. I found the courage to ask" What's wrong with his head?" The doctor said he saw something but he wanted to make a call and to come to see him in the office after the technician was finished taking all of the measurements. My little boy you were about 6lbs 10oz and about 19" long and yes you were a boy.
So in to the office I went to find out what was wrong. The doctor told me that your right ventricle in your brain was much larger than what it should be. He showed me what it looked like at 6mths and what it looked like now. I don't know where my confidence came from but I was going to do the best I could for you. " I said ok there is a problem so where do I go and who do I see?" "Do you know what happened?" He told me he couldn't say for sure but something had stopped the fluid from flowing out of your ventricle may be a bleed. He also had the name and phone number of a doctor he wanted me to go and see. I told him I would call as so as I had gotten home.
The hardest thing was how do I tell your Daddy that something was wrong. I sat for a while in the car thinking going over how I was going to break it to him never mind Daddy how would I tell Nanny and Granddad?
My dear Finnian I got through it and I made the phone call and our journey began.
To be honest its a journey no parent should make and its a journey no child should have to make. But life is a journey for learning and believe you me I now know more than I ever thought I would and I am still learning.

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