Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Its been awhile

Well today didn't start out too good. At 6:22am the laundry card machine swallowed my $10 bill and didn't give me the credit on the laundry card. So I didn't get all of my laundry done this morning. But at least I got the towels, socks and knickers done so now at least they have clean towels and clean drawers to wear.
The van went to the garage today for the big repair water pump and timing belt. We got the brakes and the inspection done like 2 weeks ago. So its cost us a bit this last month but at the same time we would be lost with out the van.
You know the new pulse ox machine Finnian got well we discovered it doesn't work on battery power. That really sucks so the most outing we do is around the corner for a quick walk. The heat is getting to poor Finny so it looks like I will have to put the AC on.
We have really had a time with him throwing up and he has lost weight.He was throwing up so much one night I was worried that he would get dehydrated as he wasn't even keeping down ginger ale. The same night he also threw up his meds so you know I didn't sleep at all that night. So when his nurse came in she checked him out and said if he didn't keep his meds down we would be taking a trip to the ER. Thankfully he did keep them down and we didn't have to go. He has had a few bad seizures. The throwing up has finally stopped but now he is sucking back O2. Its seems like if its not one thing its another with him. Over the weekend he had a few low dips in his heart rate they all happened while he was asleep but thankfully the alarm went off to let us know.
Next week he will be going in for his nissen fundo surgery and this will hopefully stop him from throwing up. They might have to change the position of his g-tube but we will have to wait and see. We will have to wait and see if we can get different pain meds for him this time around as it was after he had the hardware taken out of his legs and was taking oxycodine for the pain he started to throw up. not sure if it was the oxy but I would like to try something different for his pain. We go the following week and find out what the neuro surgeons had to say about Finnian getting a VNS or possible Corpus Callosum to help with his seizures.
You know he might be sucking back O2 but he is happy and so responsive to us. He is blowing everyone's minds by answering "Yes" and "No" questions. Today he even signed "eat" so when I asked him " are you hungry?" he signed "yes" back. These are the days we live for the good ones. He even "sang" for me when I played his favourite song. I must get him on video "singing" his way its really cute.
Must go and get the dinner started.


Debbie said...

LOVE the new look!!!

LOVE the family pic!!

Sounds like quite a mix of good and not so good things going on!
I hope the nissin helps. Unfortunately Hudson can vomit past his and we know it is intact. Hopefully you will see a huge decrease if any vomiting at all.
I will pray it is a good outcome and minimal discomfort!

Hugs...Deb and Huds

Bronx Cataldo's said...

Hi Deb
Thats the one thing even the surgeon said, If its neurological his throwing up the nissen will not stop him if its a real GI issue it will work. I say its a neuro issue so I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.
Hugs to your 3 H's