Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We are home

Well our lad gave them all a scare in the PICU on Sunday night. I went out for a for a few minutes and came back to 5-6nurses and 2 doctors working on our lad. They got a chest xray and discovered that he had dislodged his breathing tube they redid the tube and everything was fine again.
On Monday they discharged him from the PICU to the epliepsy unit they had to moniter him because they were afraid his seizures might come back once they took him off the IV seizure meds.Thankfully they didn't to be honest I have never seen his brain activity so calm.
Today October 1 we got out of the joint everyone said that I could take care of him at home his pneumonia is 98% gone so another 9 days of antibotics and breathing treatments and we just have to watch him for seizures.
Sorry if I scared people with the pictures of him hooked up to the breathing machine.I have added some more pictures of him in the hospital they aren't as scary.
Bye Ger and the Cats in the Bronx

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