Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New update

Well we went in to the hospital on Monday sept 10th for our usual 24-48 hour stay but we didn't come home until thursday sept 13th. We heard the usual electrical activity but not seizures but I had them check the readings before the physical seizures and Hello yes he is having seizures. I had spoken to his GI doc before he went in and he decided to do the PH test if the neuro agreed to keep him in. All I can say is "I love Dr,K". Thanks to him Finnian was still in the hospital when he had his big seizure. Now I mean the ones he has being, having the ones where he loses his ability to swallow. They now know that he was in a seizure for almost 20 mins before he showed any physical signs of having one. Now as soon as I see him in this type of sseizure I have to give him diastat right away and hook him up on to his pulse ox, start suctioning and moniter his breathing.If he doesn't come out of it I have to give him the second diastat and do the same as above and if that doesn't work I have to call 911. Hameatology thought of a few tests but are leaving it up to his neuro if they want to run them. He aslo had his echocardigram done I haven't gotten the full report but was told everything looks good. The next big thing comming up for Finny is his feeding tube. Oh also we are changing his meds they are taking him off Trileptal and putting him on lamictal. this is a hard med with side effects but they all do but if it works with no side effects I will be happy.
Ger and the Cats in the Bronx

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