Wow, its almost time for the kiddies to go back to school. Eoghan is going in to second gradeand Maura is starting pre-k. She will be only going for 2.5 hours but may be for a full day if they get to have the all day program.
Now the update on our little man. Well he is going back in to the hospital for more tests on Monday the 10th of sept. He will have another EEG and also a consulation with a hematoligst (blood Doc) and blood work also he is to have a echocardiogram ( a detailed scan of his heart).
The reasons for these additional tests is the resluts from his PET scan and previous MRI's shows he had an embolic event before his stroke. THese test have to be done now before they will consider him for the epilepsy surgery. He is also getting a feeding tube put in his tummy that surgery is scheduled for Oct.17th. We hope this will prevent him from losing weight every time he gets sick also when his seizures are bad he has a problem swallowing. He also got two new peices of equipment a suctioning machien and a pulse oximeter. The suctioning gizmo will hopefully help cut our trips to the doc after the bad seizures and the pulse ox will help determin how bad is oxygen levels are when he sleeps. They know he has sleep apena but this will determin if he needs oxygen or the funky sleeping mask for the apena. Will keep updating as I get any information.
Ger and the Cat's in the Bronx