Monday, October 11, 2010

He's still in the hospital

Our lad has been in the hospital since Thursday. They are hoping to get one of his bad episodes on EEG. I know its horrible to think that I hope he has one but for over 3 years we have been chasing the one that effects his breathing. The other one is crazy scary because it messes with his heart rate. Both put him at higher risk for SUDEP.
SUDEP is Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy. What causes SUDEP? Irregularities in heart rhythms, breathing dysfunctions, disturbance in brain circulation, and seizure-induced hormone and metabolic changes have all been suggested as potential causes of SUDEP.
For more information on SUDEP you can go to
So you can see why I need to know if these "episodes" are in fact seizures and what type of seizures they are and the part of the brain they affect. The whole idea is to say yes they are seizures and get him on the right medication to hopefully control them or at least to quieten them down.

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