Monday, June 22, 2009

No more Mirlax

Well for the next few day we do not have to give our Finnian any thing to help him poop. So the mirlax has gone back in the closet. Well since he started on the Banzel he has been going pretty good on his own and we had cut down on the mirlax but since he got the augmentin for the ears and we gave him the first dose the has been pooping up a storm. We now just have to make sure we give him more fluids so all the going won't up skittle the ketones. I will be damed if thats goes hay wire. The seizures have been good knock on wood. He has only gotten one dose of the antibotic and there is a huge improvment still a bit whiney cyring but nothing like he was yeaterday so fingers crossed he will be much better tomorrow. It was funny Joe came home and I said you can have burgers for dinner sorry but I have to lie down I was recked tired. I finally got Finnian to sleep at about 1:30am this morning and of course I went to sleep but for some strange reason I was wide awake at just after 4 am this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. So with little sleep I guess I was tired and I am not as young as I used to be . To think in my hay day I could work a morning shift and then my own shift and then go out bar hopping and get up for work the next morningWell i should say get home and have a shower change clothes and go to work. I often had people say " Oh its great to be young" I used to laugh at them because I always thought it was becasue I didn't drink. But I still don't drink but "Oh to be young and work on little sleep again"

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