Wednesday, March 2, 2011


You know when we left the house this morning for Finnian's Gastric emptying scan I sure didn't think we would be at the hospital all day. Yup we were there from 8:50am and we left the hospital at about 2:05 pm. This was a different scan than what he has had done before. The last one he was still able to drink from a bottle so they just mix some of the raido active stuff in with his formula.Then they took a series of x-rays. THis time they wanted to know if he could eat egg, oatmeal or drink their formula. Well sorry Finnian doesn't take anything by mouth and it would be hard to get egg and regular oatmeal down his tube and forget their formula. He is on keto formula so the only options they had was use his formula or use the diet ginger ale we also had with us. We had to be careful as they had to give him a bolus with the stuff and he has been throwing up a good bit so we could only give him 60cc's safely they would like to have given him more but I was just so afraid he would throw up with the "stuff" and I was afraid that he would aspirate it. They give him the mixture and then he was in a machine for an hour with his stomach being scanned the whole time. Then he had to wait an hour and he was scanned again but only for 15 mins then for another 5 mins. THen we had to wait for another hour and he got scanned again. But then we found out he has to go back again tomorrow to get scanned again for another 15 mins. Over all Finnian did great while there as he slept basically the whole time he was there. Well lets just say he was partying all night on the couch so I guess he was a wee bit tired I know I was. I hope that the stuff will be well gone down in his digestive system tomorrow when he gets his scan done.

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