Friday, November 5, 2010


Well I woke up this morning to Finnian's pulse ox beeping. His O2 was only at 74 so he got hooked up to oxygen. His heart rate was good he was sound out asleep. He only swatted at me a few times as I put the nasal cannual on. His O2 levels came back up so I was happy. There was no physical seizure involvment so we cannot even say it is a seizure. But then the question is What causes either his heart rate to go low or his O2 levels to go low? Since last week he has had the pulse ox on him at all times except when he is in the bath tub.
Had his ortho follow up today and he said that his pins in his hips and legs are ready to come out but due to the issues he is having now with his heart rate drops and O2 drops they can stay in for now. We have to go back in 4 mths and take it from there.
Hopefully we can figure all of this out I am getting very sleep deprived.

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