Saturday, August 7, 2010

Our Neuro follow up

Finnian had his neuro follow up on Thursday and when they weighed him he had put on almost 4lbs in a month. I couldn't believe it but then again he had not thrown up since he got his tonslis out and the new set of ear tubes put in. His seizures have also been reduced since the surgery. The out come of the appointment we will start to reduce his Sabril once we get his blood levels done. This is the one medication I have never had any issues with but because of his age its more than likely he had out grown the Infantile Spasm seizures. We now see more Myclonic than IS well to be honest I haven't seen an IS seizure in about 1 year. The goal now is to get him down to 2 seizure meds with the diet instead of 4 with the diet. It just goes to show that any little thing can cause his seizures to go crazy. In his case it seems that the retracted ear drums could have been causing something like vertigo or on the lines of motion sickness and thats why he was throwning up so much. We have even reduce his Prevacid to just one dose a day. I don't believe in shoving meds in to them if they are not needed.
Also since starting him on the Artane for the movement his tightness is not there and now we have no problems opening his left hand and its much easier to put his braces on his legs. He seems to have more control over his movments as far as playing with his toys as he now doesn't keep his arms extended and the jerky movements are now not there.
Over all since the surgries he is healthier, happier , having less seizures, not sleeping as much and begining to act more like a child his age. Now all we can hope is he will get some of his speech back and hopefully get him up on his feet and may be get him moving with the aid of a gait trainer/walker. Well I hope


jocalyn said...

all good news! you're such a good mommy! i'm sure you'ce seen the is the coolest thing ever! may not provide "proper" form at first, but kendall loves tip toeing in it! i say any vertical movement is a step in the right direction :)

Debbie said...

love reading this...
you work so hard for your little guy, and are such a wonderful advocate...glad you and Fin are being rewarded!
And to not see IS....glorious!!!!

can't wait for the day! :)