Friday, April 23, 2010

Damm it

I posted earlier that Finnian was doing good but as soon as he got home from school I got told he had a bad day. He had 3 bad seizures and the last one lasted for over 3 mins and his O2 level was in the low 80's so what was it like while he was still in the seizure. His O2 levels came back up in the 90's without having to give him oxygen.
So to hell with getting the urine sample we are just going to start the antibotics. I hope thats what is causing the seizures. You know we had gotten used of having these seizures every 12 -16 days and then we changes some of his meds and we were going months with out having them but we never had 7 of them in less than a week. So I filled his script and we started him on the antibiotic I hope thats the cause of the seizures if not I guess its back to the drawing board on the meds. We have been dealing with this type of seizure for the last 2+ almost 3 years and we have never gotten it on an EEG which sucks. But even then we would still have to guess at what would be the right meds for it .
I don't know my gut is telling me to totally get rid of Keppra and see what happens but then I know we will have to change his klonipin to some other type of benzo and its not something I want to do. I never wanted him on the klonopin full time but it was added while we weaned lamictil to get him over the hump of the change and they thought it was doing good so they left him on it.That is one wean I am not looking forward to. I still get the goosebumps thinking back to the phenobarbital wean.
Oh well we shouldn't think back over some things I guess

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