Saturday, September 19, 2009


Who ever heard of an almost 5 year old with colic? I just had a laugh about that.These are things that I hear form people who only mean well but colic in a 5 year old now thats a new one. Some children who are diagnosed with Infantile Spasms are often given a colic diagnoses in the beginning and we all believe that's whats wrong with our kids. Our Finnian is having colic like symptoms but for him its seizures that the root of the problem. Its hard when you hear your child cry and nothing you do helps in any way.
Called the doctors office again today and got told "Geraldine there is only one doctor here and its packed please unless your really have to please can you wait until Monday and I will write him in for 9:15 am appointment?" I told them fine because deep in my gut I know its seizures and not anything else. Checked his ear again to day and there is nothing in there its not even red. his Ketone stick was a little high so I just gave him some apple juice and when I checked it again it was back in better ranges.His sugars were normal low kids on Keto diets have lower normal sugar levels so even when I gave him the apple juice his sugars were only 86 so that was fine.His peeing issues seem to have resolved again I guess the seizure is not hopping off that part of his brain which is great. I don't have a problem cathing him but I would prefer if he could go naturally. May be it wouldn't be any harm going back to the water works doctor again and getting a new ultra sound of his water works department. Well I would like kidney stones to be ruled out. Kids on the keto diet have a higher chance of getting kidney stones.
When we were out today we met Grandad and he could see that Finnian was not "normal" Finnian. Well we go on Friday to see his seizure doc and we will see what she wants to do as far as his medications are concerned We seem to be at that crossroads dammed if we do and dammed if we don't.

1 comment:

jocalyn said...

We feel your pain! Another lovely weekend around here too!

Try having blood sugars at 335 and Ketones at 7.3 (ultral high!) Then what do you do!?! This by the way after the long lasting insulin and short!

Loving my life (sarcasm!)

Hang in there sister!