Friday, May 22, 2009

We finally know whats been wrong with Finnian

Went back to the peds office today as our Finnian is still not himself. Last night his nose started running just a little bit and then his temp went up but only to 100.2 so something is finally cooking. Got to the doc's office and it was very busy. I signed in and waited when they relized it was Finnian that was back again they brought us right in. Once inside we had to wait for a room and we got Dr. Q. He checked his ears and said no , he checked his throat and said maybe but it would not cause the discomfort he was in. He checked his belly and his G-tube site and said all is good. CBC was done again and still nothing was found. I described how Finnian was made comfortable in a semi reclining position and as long as you kept moving he was fine. He said "just one more test" and it was it. He did a tympaney test and it showed that our poor boy did indeed have sore ears. Yes he has double inner ear infections and they are very painful so out of the office with 3 scripts and straight to the pharmacy we went. Got the scripts filled and home we came and he got dosed up good. Its now peaceful no cyring ,moaning so hopefully now he will be on the mend. See we do know when something is not right I knew he was in pain.


jocalyn said...

Whew! Glad to know you figured out what was wrong and he can have some relief! (and so can you)

Bronx Cataldo's said...

Well I got almost 5 hours of straight seelp last night. That is a huge improvment over 2-3 hours. But I am still tired.