Thursday, March 19, 2009

Seizures again

Well today our Finnian had a rough time at school today. he had a few small seizures but nothing to worry about as it was raining. This is normal for him.
But tonight he had a whopper of a seizure. Everyone came running for me Joe included. As I came up the hallway I could hear the shouts. Eoghan doesnt like the shouting seizure so he was a little upset. Maura and Joe are just standing looking at Finnian.
The usual I grab the bag and start pulling everything out. I gave him diastat and hooked him up to the pulse ox. This one was a little different as it is usually his O2 rate that drops but this one his heart rate was dropping. It was more like a murmur every few mins it would drop and pick up again at a normal rate.
He is now back to himself as he is wrestling the pillow. It is funny to watch.
I wonder will we ever figure out the seizures. One week down three more to go to see if they found out any answers from his tests.

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